- iota 常量计数器
- sync.Mutex 互斥锁
- 单引号与双引号的区别
- 位运算
定义常量const (
Ldate = 1 << iota // the date in the local time zone: 2009/01/23
Ltime // the time in the local time zone: 01:23:23
Lmicroseconds // microsecond resolution: 01:23:23.123123. assumes Ltime.
Llongfile // full file name and line number: /a/b/c/d.go:23
Lshortfile // final file name element and line number: d.go:23. overrides Llongfile
LUTC // if Ldate or Ltime is set, use UTC rather than the local time zone
LstdFlags = Ldate | Ltime // initial values for the standard logger
定义结构体type Logger struct {
mu sync.Mutex // ensures atomic writes; protects the following fields
prefix string // prefix to write at beginning of each line
flag int // properties
out io.Writer // destination for output
buf []byte // for accumulating text to write
构造单例func New(out io.Writer, prefix string, flag int) *Logger {
return &Logger{out: out, prefix: prefix, flag: flag}
var std = New(os.Stderr, "", LstdFlags)
日志输出func (l *Logger) Println(v ...interface{}) { l.Output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v...)) }
func (l *Logger) Output(calldepth int, s string) error {
now := time.Now() // get this early.
var file string
var line int
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.flag&(Lshortfile|Llongfile) != 0 {
// Release lock while getting caller info - it's expensive.
var ok bool
_, file, line, ok = runtime.Caller(calldepth)
if !ok {
file = "???"
line = 0
l.buf = l.buf[:0]
l.formatHeader(&l.buf, now, file, line)
l.buf = append(l.buf, s...)
if len(s) == 0 || s[len(s)-1] != '\n' {
l.buf = append(l.buf, '\n')
_, err := l.out.Write(l.buf)
return err
构造日志头部func (l *Logger) formatHeader(buf *[]byte, t time.Time, file string, line int) {
*buf = append(*buf, l.prefix...)
if l.flag&(Ldate|Ltime|Lmicroseconds) != 0 {
if l.flag&LUTC != 0 {
t = t.UTC()
if l.flag&Ldate != 0 {
year, month, day := t.Date()
itoa(buf, year, 4)
*buf = append(*buf, '/')
itoa(buf, int(month), 2)
*buf = append(*buf, '/')
itoa(buf, day, 2)
*buf = append(*buf, ' ')
if l.flag&(Ltime|Lmicroseconds) != 0 {
hour, min, sec := t.Clock()
itoa(buf, hour, 2)
*buf = append(*buf, ':')
itoa(buf, min, 2)
*buf = append(*buf, ':')
itoa(buf, sec, 2)
if l.flag&Lmicroseconds != 0 {
*buf = append(*buf, '.')
itoa(buf, t.Nanosecond()/1e3, 6)
*buf = append(*buf, ' ')
if l.flag&(Lshortfile|Llongfile) != 0 {
if l.flag&Lshortfile != 0 {
short := file
for i := len(file) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if file[i] == '/' {
short = file[i+1:]
file = short
*buf = append(*buf, file...)
*buf = append(*buf, ':')
itoa(buf, line, -1)
*buf = append(*buf, ": "...)
数字追加到字符串后func itoa(buf *[]byte, i int, wid int) {
// Assemble decimal in reverse order.
var b [20]byte
bp := len(b) - 1
for i >= 10 || wid > 1 {
q := i / 10
b[bp] = byte('0' + i - q*10)
i = q
// i < 10
b[bp] = byte('0' + i)
*buf = append(*buf, b[bp:]...)
iota 常量计数器
// 每遇到一个const关键字,iota就会重置 |
sync.Mutex 互斥锁
package main |
rune 类型是int32的别名类型,可表示Unicode字符。
<< 左移1 | 2 ==> 0001 | 0010 ==> 0011 ==> 3
1 & 3 ==> 0001 & 0011 ==> 0001 ==> 1
1 << 2 ==> 0001 << 2 ==> 0100 ==> 4